Strangely Warmed

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Wesleyan Church Invests Entire Outreach Budget in Marquee

Holland, MI-- Northside Wesleyan Church, a congregation of nearly 300 in Holland, MI, has decided to take a bold step in their outreach program. After an intensive six-month 'visioneering' process, the congregation voted overwhelmingly to use the 2006 outreach budget on a new, high-tech marquee.

“This is really a big step for us,” says Senior Pastor Jacob Lane. “Our church has decided that we really want to be 'out there' in our community, and we feel that this is the best way to do that. The excitement is really building.”

The new marquee will be enormous, easily visible from 1000 ft. and will boast an easy-to-read LED output which can be easily programmed from the 'nerve center' which will be located in the sound board console. It can display up to 200 characters at one time, in 6 colors, and even has the optional capability of displaying simple graphics and motion text. The marquee can also be programmed 'on-the-fly', a feature that really sold the church.

“This kind of technology essentially gives us so much freedom and creativity,” said Lane. “I can be preaching a sermon, and if the Holy Spirit really moves me to say something profound, the sound guy can type it up and display it on the marquee as people are driving by. The ministry potential is endless.”

Now the church can effortlessly display long-standing evangelical slogans such as 'CH CH': what's missing? UR', 'No Jesus, No peace; Know Jesus, Know Peace' and 'God answers knee-mail.' Some even create slogans that draw on popular advertising such as 'God is the new black', 'Jesus is my Ryan Seacrest', and 'I'm Full!(of the Spirit).'

“The church is really getting behind this. We have formed a creative planning team to come up with all kinds of slogans, sayings, and messages that will bring the gospel to a godless world. People are scouring the Internet, reading through old evangelical journals and Rolling Stone, and even staying up late at night to come up with things to say. People write them on Word, scraps of paper, napkins; one old lady even brought me something on a tissue she used to wipe away tears while watching Breakthrough with Rod Parsley. I tell you, that kind of ministry vision brings a tear to my eyes.”


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